SEO Search Engine Optimization

What is search engine optimization?

The basic definition of SEO (search engine optimization) is as follows:

the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine.

The optimization process requires knowledge of search engine algorithms, avoiding penalties, analysis of analytics and web coding in order to maximize the number of times your site appears in results. With attention to detail, we process every page on your site, preparing it for the search engine ‘bots’ to come and review the information on your site and add it to its database. It is from within the database that the results are pulled up on a search engine results page.

Our founder, Jennifer, started performing SEO on websites in 2001 and has never stopped learning, keeping up to date on the changes to the algorithms that occur sometimes daily. She continues to oversee the SEO team and bring her expertise to every project that Geek Goddess takes on.

She recently appeared in this interview below and participates regularly in webinars and training session with students learning SEO.

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